
Forum › Allgemeine Fahrraddiskussion › Which one is better folding bike or non-folding mountain bike for my off-road adventures ?

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"Hey fellow riders!

 I'm torn between investing in a folding mountain bike or sticking with a traditional non-folding mountain bike for my off-road adventures. I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences.

  1. Have any of you tried using a folding mountain bike on the trails? What was your experience like?
  2. What are the pros and cons of folding bikes versus traditional mountain bikes for mountain biking specifically?
  3. Are there any particular folding bike models that you'd recommend for off-road use?
  4. For those who prefer traditional mountain bikes, what features or aspects make them superior for tackling rough terrain?
  5. Are there any specific trails or terrains where folding bikes excel, or are they generally better suited for certain types of riding?

Looking forward to hearing your insights and experiences! Let's roll into this discussion together."

« Letzte Bearbeitung : 23. Juli 2024 19:40 by »

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